TJX Companies (TJX) Further Competitive Advantage

My older post on TJX (click), showed how TJX should have the power to outperform in the case of a recession. In addition to that, TJX’s competitive advantage gives it significant power over its competitors to outperform.

Inventory Turnover Rates

TJX utilizes incredibly high inventory turnover rates in order to beat out their competition. Put simply, inventory turnover rates are the rates at which companies have to restock their products and buy new ones to replace their old ones. TJX buys a rather smaller amount of merchandise at one time, always only buying what is in fashion for their customers. After the customers buy their products, TJX restocks them almost twice as often as other retailers. This gives them the ability to always have what’s in fashion on their store shelves, and get in early on fads and other consumer desires before other retailers join in the game. In basicallity, there seems to be an extreme flaw in this strategy, as other retailers could simply choose to buy less products at one time and restock their inventories more often, therefore replicating TJX’s competitive advantage. This, however, is not possible, as TJX specifically designs all of their stores without walls or any form of enclosures, allowing their to expand or contract sections of their store depending on what the consumers want at that give time. For example, in the back to school season, TJX could easily expand their kid’s clothing section and cut back on something like adult’s clothing simply by expanding their kids section by using the adult clothing shelves. Other retailers, however, could not do this, as they build their stores with walls and enclosures, forcing them to keep their sections separate and unchangeable.

2 thoughts on “TJX Companies (TJX) Further Competitive Advantage

  1. DivHut

    TJX has been a great dividend stock for a long time. I think it still as great value but longer term I do not like any retailers. No TGT no WMT for me either. I think the headwinds from the Internet are too great for any retailer to survive in their current form. Thanks for sharing.


    1. stockinvestingadvisor Post author

      I do agree with somewhat your opinion DivHut, but with certain retailers like TJX that sell fashion and clothes you actually have to go to their store to try them on as well as take a good look at them to see if they actually look good. I’ve seem way too many good-looking clothes online and then found out they looked horrible when I saw them in real life. Also, WalMart is taking large steps to expand their online presence, as revs increased over 20% last quarter in that area, and have been increasing for a long time. It’s fair to note that the online sales are still only a very minuscule part of their total sales though, but they are doing a very good job of expanding it.



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