Tag Archives: stock website

A Helpful Website Depicting the Movement of “Big Money” in Stocks (Dataroma)

Numerous hedge funds and mutual funds exist in the realm of the stock market, with some being big, and some being relatively small. Dataroma.com is a website that depicts all of these hedge funds and mutual funds and what they are all buying and selling.

It shows various things such as the current holdings of major investors:

Their buys and sells quarterly all the way back to 2006 and what they did the most recent quarter (just click the investor name on the home page),

The most bought  stocks in the last quarter and six months (boxes under Super Investor Stats),

The most owned stocks (S&P 500 Grid at the top),

The most owned stocks by percentages of portfolios (Grand Portfolio at the top),

Interviews and articles about the investors (scroll down on the investor’s portfolio page),

Investing quotes (right above the boxes, just refresh the page if you want another one),

Insider activity regarding stocks (bottom of the home page or type in the stock name in the search box in the top right hand corner and scroll down),

Individual analysis of stocks and how big investors have been buying or selling them (type in the stock ticker symbol in the search box),

How their portfolios looked like in the past (click on history in the investor’s portfolio’s page).

Be aware, however, that many stocks on the market, especially smaller companies, are not traded very much by these investors, as they invest millions, if not billions of dollars at a time, and could easily end up buying half the total shares outstanding of a smaller companies and still want more. Also, many of these investors tend to be long-term, value oriented investors, although not all of them, and so investors should not expect their buys to go up immediately after they buy, as many of them are probably long-term positions.