The Liebster Award (Thanks a Lot to mikemarket)

What is the Liebster Award?

I’ve recently been selected by mikemarket as a candidate for the Liebster Award. If you, like me, have never heard of this award before, it basically goes like this: a blogger receives a nomination for the award by another blogger that has also received a nomination for the award before. The first blogger asks the second one ten questions that he makes up, just as a fun thing to get to know them better. Anyone that receives the Liebster Award then nominates 5 other people to get the award, and makes up ten questions for those other people to answer. You can probably see how this can compound pretty quickly, just like money invested in the stock market can multiply and compound to truly extraordinary levels. (As a stock market blogger, I have to include something about stocks, right?)

My Nominees

hopeisaforletterword, A Student’s Blog, Freedom Through Passive Income, investingcaffeine, Truly Unnecessary Things

My Answers to mikemarket’s Questions

1. How do you spend the majority of your day?

Gazing into the distance and contemplating the meaning of life.

2. How would you describe your most productive day?

A day I find the meaning of life by gazing into the distance.

3. How do you choose what to blog about?

I like to write about what I know, and I prefer to think that I have a strong knowledge about the stock market.

4. How tall is a Smurf?

About yay high.

5. Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Anywhere that I have fun.

6. What you do think makes a good blogger?

Consistency in blogging, loyalty to followers, and skill at their subject.

7. Why do you blog?

I feel I am able to teach others about the stock market through blogging and can help them achieve their monetary goals through it.

8. How do you get new followers to your blog?

I write consistently (every other day), and I comment on other’s blogs if I think the topic is interesting.

9. How do you get others to comment on your blog?

I believe that is quite uncontrollable.

10. Is it soda or pop?

Soda pop.

My Questions to My Nominees

1. How Long Have You Been Investing?

2. What Is Your Best Company?

3. What is Your Worst?

4. COD, Battlefield, or Halo? (Video Games)

5. What is the definition of the word “aa”?

6. What kind of investor are you? (e.g. value, growth, momentum, chartist)

7. All in all, was your overall experience in the stock market positive or negative?

8. Do you like to concentrate your portfolio in a few select holdings or diversify them among many?

9. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard of?

10. What is the meaning of life? (Try gazing into the distance)




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